Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Delancy Street


Hello everyone!
I have great rendition of Delancy Street - a 2015 design by Rick St Dennis - was selected as Pick of the Week (POTW) for the week of May 3rd 2015!  I cannot express my surprise and delight, and more because Rick himself nominated me, so I am very touched, as you can imagine.

There are many fantastic artists out there, including Rick, but he is my favorite because of his diversity and originality.  He is also a very nice person and I hope one day we will meet.

Delancy Street was brought to life because my sister Anabel asked me for a "Rick lady".  Last year I made a birthday card for her using Adrianna, a fabulous design by Rick.  Adrianna was the very first RSD image I colored specifically for a card, so this holds a special place in Anabel's heart and also in mine.  In short, she had framed this card and wanted a companion piece.  I had already planned to color Delancy Street, so I used colors to complement Adrianna.  Below is how the image looked before incorporating it into the card you see above.       

I want to thank everyone who voted for Delancy Street as POTW... you made my week!